Exam preparation tips and time Management


Last updated on

June 7th, 2020 @ 01:51 pm

Image by Kevin Phillips from Pixabay

Exam preparation tips

It is essential to take note of Important point that aid and affect examination performance.The following points can be considered as the same

The preparation

1. Set up a review schedule and stick to it.

2. Review selectively considering the goals and emphases of the course.What do you know

is considered important in this course.

3. Try to predict questions ;write these down on cards so you can rehearse possible answers .

4. Study groups axan works;if they fit your learning style but study together early ,not

just before the exam.

5. On the night before the exam ,try to keep up a natural schedule .Eat a light meal
before exam time

6. The brain requires time to process what you have crammed into it .Give it time

 The Approach

1. Accept your tension and think of good ways to release that tension.Remember that some tension       is normal and even beneficial.

2. Get your exam ahead of time ,so you can be relaxed.Breath deeply and keep your body

3. Be sure you bring all necessary items with you .

4. Don’t cram at the last-minute! Remember the brain requires time to process Last minute studying   can actually impar your memory causing facts and ideas to  scramble and anxiety to increase.

5. Avoid discussing just before entering the examination hall.

6. Don’t expect to know all the answers.Expect to do best with the answer you know.Read the  directions,Understand what is expected of you .Ask questions of the instructor if you don’t understand.Read the directions once more.

7. decide which questions are easiest for you and consider doing these first.(This
strategy is claiming motivation and a good use of time).Consider carefully how the
answer will be weighted and scored.Be sure to do the ones that counter the most;don’t
waste time on questions that won’t count much.

 Essay Question

1. Be absolutely clear and specific,Give the facts show their relationship to one another ,and support   your conclusion using class discussions,reading,texts,lectures,or your own thoughts.Omit the extraneous.

2. Portion Out time available.Stick to you time schedule rigidly ,so you can answer all
the questions.

3. Pay carefull attention to the specific intent of the question.

4. Save time to read over your answer ,making corrections.

 Objective Questions

1. Answer all the questions you are sure about first putting a small mark by the ones

that give you trouble.

2. Pay particular attention to key words and qualifiers.

3. Read the question several times,explaining them to yourself,sometimes rephrasing
the question in a way that you better understand.

4. Check your answers.(But be careful about changing them unless you know the correct

Time Scheduling

Time scheduling is very important in exam preparation ,it will help to reduce your stress and tensions towards the exam.Make strict rule and stick on it very properly.gave more time of subjects tough to you avoid unnecessary meeting and other activites

Start by making a record of your fixed activities Examples would include classes, meals, meetings, etc. Each week adds information revolving around class assignments; note due dates and estimate study time required.

Remember the following important Principles of Time use when deciding how to spend your time:

• Many effective schedulers habitually plan their day at a regular time: 5 to 10 minutes in the morning or before going to bed.

• Allow larger blocks of time for learning new mate-rial, grasping concepts, drafting a theme, etc. Divide these larger blocks of time into definite subpart the length of your concentration span.

• Use short periods of time (15 to 45 minutes) to check. It is especially wise to spend a few minutes reviewing immediately BEFORE a class involving discussion or recitation. Immediately AFTER a lecture class, spend a few minutes re-viewing your notes.

• Schedule harder study tasks when you are most alert and can concentrate best.

• Plan to really learn the first time; the rest of your study time should spend reviewing through recitation, discussion, making up and answering possible test questions, etc.

Don’t try to divide all your time; know what needs to be done and how long it will take you. It’s how you use your time that counts. Follow these principles to plan your time effectively during examinations ,and also in your day-to-day life
